Alfred Homes RGI, Winchester

Investment: £15m 54 houses and apartments

Region: London and the South East
Sector: All
Size: 50-150 homes
Type: All

HGP delivered an innovative investment providing a £15m Regional Growth Initiative (“RGI”) commitment to highly experienced Winchester based housebuilder Alfred Homes to facilitate a management buyout of Alfred’s majority shareholder.

The transaction saw HGP simultaneously invest equity into 5 sites which helped Alfred free up capital to deliver a shareholder exit whilst leaving the Managing Director and founder with 100% ownership going forward.

As part of this transaction HGP provided Alfred with additional firepower to build out its impressive landbank via our RGI proposition which helps the business deliver its growth strategy over the medium term.

Alfred Homes is the market leader in Winchester with a strong brand and customer-centric approach. This investment alongside Alfred is consistent with HGP’s mandate to back established businesses with ambitious management teams to grow sustainably.

The 5 initial sites are located near Alfred’s Winchester HQ, all of which Alfred obtained planning for leveraging its strong local relationships and land assembly capabilities.